Friday, April 15, 2011

Jade Cutting

I am going to do a jade cutting from just the leave. You can do them from a stem, but I have read that it is harder to do. So I have chosen to do the leave. (Even though it takes longer)

1. So cut off a few healthy looking leaves and let them dry a few days.... the cut ends will heal over.

2. Then lay them in a pot with half vermiculite or perlite and half potting soil. Keep the pot in the shade. (Do not bury them as they will rot) 3. Water once after you lay the leaves down, then sparingly till you start to see roots. ( A few days to a few weeks, or so I have read) 4. Then after it has taken root, it will start growing little plantlets around the edges. ( I have read it can take 2 weeks to 2 months for these to appear. So we shall see. 5. After these appear, move the plant to indirect sunlight, and for here it should continue to grow. Only move it into a bigger pot once it has outgrown this one.

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