Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hopefully post will work

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Angle trumpet planted

I put the angle trumpet cutting into soil on sunday 24th April. I am hoping this time around it will grow. I havent added any rooting hormone or fertalizer at the moment. I am thinking of adding some root and bloom that I have thats like miricle grow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Angle trumpet progress

It has started to get a few white spots on it and there is one little white shoot coming off into the water. But I am going to wait a little longer before planting it into the soil.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Azalea from cutting.

This one I did the same as the Gardenia.
Trimmed off about 4 inches of semi hard wood.
Trimmed off the lower leaves, and dipped it into a rooting hormone.
Then into some soil and a bit of water.

I have read that azaleas are easy to do. So I will see. I don't like the way mine has wilted already. It might just be the humidity. I'll keep my eye on it and might have to take a better cutting next time.

Gardenia From Cuttings

Today I did 2 cuttings, one of them being a gardenia.
I cut off about 4 inches long of semi hard wood. (some new - some hard)
I then trimmed off the lower leaves about half way up.
Next I dipped the bottom into some rooting hormone and then placed into a hole in the soil and pushed down the soil around the branch.
Finally a little water, and now we wait and see if it takes.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ready to Wait...

This is what I have to look at now for the next few weeks and see if the little plantlets grow.....

I have moved them inside so they are out of the sun and away from the rain.

I have watered them once, and will only mist the soil when it starts looking dry.

Jade Cutting

I am going to do a jade cutting from just the leave. You can do them from a stem, but I have read that it is harder to do. So I have chosen to do the leave. (Even though it takes longer)

1. So cut off a few healthy looking leaves and let them dry a few days.... the cut ends will heal over.

2. Then lay them in a pot with half vermiculite or perlite and half potting soil. Keep the pot in the shade. (Do not bury them as they will rot) 3. Water once after you lay the leaves down, then sparingly till you start to see roots. ( A few days to a few weeks, or so I have read) 4. Then after it has taken root, it will start growing little plantlets around the edges. ( I have read it can take 2 weeks to 2 months for these to appear. So we shall see. 5. After these appear, move the plant to indirect sunlight, and for here it should continue to grow. Only move it into a bigger pot once it has outgrown this one.

Planned cuttings

So the cuttings I am planning on doing this year are going to be

  • Angle Trumpet

  • Crape Myrtle

  • Jade

  • Viburnum

  • Gardenia

  • Azalea

  • Fire cracker

  • Honey Suckle

  • Rose

  • Schefflera

Whether I get to all these or not and add some different ones, I will only know in time.

I took some cuttings from some crape myrtles last year and they went through the frost and now have leaves on them. (I will get some picuters up of those soon)

The fire crackers I had done last year too, but they don't go through the frost. So I will take new ones this year. I think they are one of the easiest cuttings I have done before.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Angle Trumpet cutting.

This is the 1st cutting that I am starting with. It measures about 4-

5 inches.

I have places it in a small vase with water that should be changed every day... Although Last time I didn't change it more than once or twice and it still grew roots.

The tree in the pot is what my Angle trumpet that I took the cutting from looks like at the moment.

1st cutting of the year.

Okay the first cutting I have taken this year is from my angle trumpet. I have taken them before, got them to grow roots, planted them, but then they died. Either because I didn't water them enough or I didn't fertilize them in time, or something else I don't know. But either way I'm trying again.

A new Start

I have been attempting for many years now to grow plants from seeds and cuttings, but not having much success. So this year I am making it my project along with raising my son who is currently 6 months. I thought that if I blog about what I am doing I might keep up with it instead of forgetting about them and giving up. Also I thought that others might read this and be able to offer advice if I am doing something wrong, or of theres a better way. So please I will accept any and all the help offered. Thank You